Testimonials Plugin

Posted on August 11, 2012

I often have clients ask for the ability to place testimonials on their site and developed this testimonials plugin in response that need. Testimonials is a plugin for managing testimonials placed on your WordPress site. It has full features and shortcode ability for display in posts, widgets, pages, and other areas of your site. The plugin also has several features that allow for customization of the display.

[tabs slidertype=”left tabs”]


[tabtext]Install Testimonials[/tabtext]

[tabtext]Add Testimonial[/tabtext]

[tabtext]Edit Testimonials[/tabtext]

[tabtext]Delete Testimonials[/tabtext]

[tabtext]Shortcode Usage and Examples[/tabtext]

[tabtext]See it in Action[/tabtext]




  1. Download the file
  2. Install using the plugins uploader or ftp the zip to your plugins directory in your WordPress installation and unzip it.



  1. Click the Testimonials menu item from within your WordPress Admin panel
  2. Click “Testimonials Functions”
  3. Enter your testimonial and the customer name.
  4. Click the “Add Testimonial” button



  1. Click the Testimonials menu item from within your WordPress Admin panel
  2. Click the Testimonials menu sub-item
  3. To edit an item, click the title and edit the text.



  1. Click the Testimonials menu item from within your WordPress Admin panel
  2. Click the Testimonials menu sub-item
  3. From this screen you can delete testimonials if you wish, by clicking the checkbox next to the one you wish to delete. To delete them all, click the checkbox directly below the “Delete” header and then (for either option) click “Delete Checked”.



To add testimonials to your posts, pages, or widgets use the following code:

To add the testimonials plugin to your WordPress theme use the following code inside your template:
echo do_shortcode('[plumwd-testimonials]');

The plugin also supports several attributes for the shortcode, below is a listing of the attributes and what their purpose is:

  • size -> this allows you to limit the number of characters returned using the plugin. It will display the first nth number that you specify. Usage:
    [plumwd-testimonials size="100"]
  • ending -> this allows you to specify an ending for your testimonial. This comes in handy when limiting the number of characters returned. Usage:
    [plumwd-testimonials ending="..."]
  • num -> this allows you to limit the number of testimonials returned, leave blank to retrieve them all. Usage:
    [plumwd-testimonials num="3"]
  • type -> allows you to specify how you want the list to be displayed. The available options are: list, para, span, div. By default testimonials will display as an unordered list. Usage:
    [plumwd-testimonials type="list"]
  • class -> this allows you to apply a class to the item container so that you can apply custom styles. Usage:
    [plumwd-testimonials class="test"]
  • id -> this allows you to apply an id to the item container. Usage:
    [plumwd-testimonials id="testimonials"] 
  • childclass -> this applies only to the list item. Setting childclass will place a class on the li element. Usage:
    [plumwd-testimonials childclass="slides"] 


[tab][nivoslider slug=”testimonials-plugin”][/tab]

